Is your MORTGAGE TECHNOLOGY living up to your expectations?

Sure, your technology lets you close a loan. Are you also maximizing productivity? And profitability?

HousingWire recently interviewed Rob Peterson from Teraverde. He has seen good times and bad times in his 15+ years in the industry.

As CTO and Chief Innovation Officer at Teraverde, Rob is focused on helping clients implement technology.

A PROFIT-DRIVEN approach to Mortgage Origination requires the adoption of a business process where employees to spend their time on the work that requires true analysis, problem solving and customer centric activities.

It works to remove variations in process, checkers checking checkers, duplication of work, bad data quality and other hinderances that block the automation that could be achieved in a lender’s existing tech stack.

Once an employee has a business process and tech stack that makes their lives truly easier, adoption will follow.